Thursday, February 22, 2007


My kids are great! I have four wonderful children. The middle school may not think so today, after suspending my youngest daughter for slugging a kid after he told her she looked like a boy. Well, I am sure worse things have happened. My oldest daughter came in from school today, put her back pack on the floor complaining how heavy it was. I looked at her with my sarcastic "duh" expression. She laughed and proceeded to tell me that all four of them had been playing tricks on each other with an item we have in our house. The oldest boy hid it under the covers of the youngest boys' bed. The youngest boy hid it in the oldest girls' dresser drawer. This has been going on for some time. Then, laughing hysterically, she admitted the oldest boy placed the item in her back pack last night. She unzipped her bag, and pulled out~ our fire extinguisher. I asked what would happen if there was a fire. Three of my four kids that were standing there said at the same time, "We'd know right where to look." So funny!