=) I think people in the animal field are magnets for wayward animals. My mom called me about a month ago, the first thing she said when I answered the phone was; "I think we have an emergency!" There was a little kitten laying on it's side, under a bush, in a pile of cold wet leaves. No mommy cat in sight. She waited a while to see if the mom cat came back for the kitten, but she did not. It was really cold out, around 40F degrees. I told my mom the kitten would not make it on it's own. So my mom went out with a towel, got the kitten, and not sure what else to do, brought it to me. The kitten was in big trouble. He was ice cold to the touch, mewing loudly but could not lift his head. He was covered in fleas and had a gash on his face and back of his head, there was saliva all over his body, another animal must have been using him as a toy, or worse. I filled my trusty warm water bottles, and warmed some kitten formula. I made it clear to my mom that I did not have high hopes the poor thing could live. His body temperature came up and he got hungry. I fed him formula several times that night, all he could stand. The next day I took him to the Vet. He tested Negative for Feline Lukemia! I got some eye ointment for his mattered eyes, and medicines for his wounds. The Vet guessed his age at 4 weeks. That night he started eating canned food mixed with formula. From that point on, he has been unstoppable. He is a little terror! He will open his mouth wide and run at your hand to "get" you. His kitten "motor" is so loud, and he is so angelic when he is sleeping on your chest, or where ever he falls down at any given time. He is simply beautiful. My mom took him home with her about a week ago. He is so happy and so lucky she found him. Such a fantastic little guy!
1 comment:
When we found Peanut, it was as good for us as it was him.
He has brought us so much joy and laughter.
We are truly grateful for the way Kim was able to help him back to good health.
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