Triskit (Nicknames include: Biskit, Siskit, Sissy, Bisky, Queen Bitch, and many other variations) Registered name Triskit Tai Winkie. (Sire was Tai Pan Hot Shot, Dam was Winkie Sue) She is a 15 year old grey and white Shih Tzu with a larger that life chip on her shoulder that not one of the other pets in my house will even look at, let alone knock off. This little 10 pound dog rules the non human lives in my house, the other pets will walk a six foot in diameter circle around her to avoid getting snapped at. She is very vocal, screams went you try to groom her, barks incessantly until you feed her, yet she can be the sweetest little princess when she wants to be. In her day she could and did run with the big dogs... she used to play tug of war with our Saint Bernard who has since passed. She would take the kids for walks, and sleep on my pillow . She doesn't see the best now, and only hears sometimes. Not sure if she has selective hearing or really has trouble. She has a way of being naughty and nice in the same wag of her tail.
Next in line is Bonsai. (Nickname: Sai) He is my 15 year old black and white domestic short hair cat. He follows me everywhere, when I sit he is right there to sit in my lap. He purrs constantly even though he is struggling with kidney failure. He sleep next to me with a paw on me to make sure he knows if I get up. If I run my fingers under the edge of the sheet or wiggle my toes under the covers the game is on! Triskit recognizes Bonsai's #2 position in the pecking order and generally leaves him alone, none of the other animals mess with him at all. He used to always, and still on occasion hold complete conversations with me. Answering everything I say with meows that fit right in with the topic.
Then there is LaMia (Nicknames include: Mia, Miles, Jami) Registered name Lamia Minnie Tally Wag. (Sire was Bozo Tally Wag, Dam was Minnie Woof) I had difficulty finding a name I thought suited her, I found myself searching a dictionary for something appropriate. I saw the definition before the name. It said "in Greek mythology; a female monster". The word Lamia. This is a dog that did and still does steal your shoe or a sock or drag around a 2 foot rope bone, she drops her nose in the snow and plows through the yard. She completely blocks out anything you say to her unless it sounds fun or it ends in the word treat. She will beat on you and dig at you with her paw until you pick her up and hold her but if you insist she come to you she will drop and roll over on her back for you to come rub her belly instead. She does run with the big dogs and she gets them on their backs and climbs all over them play biting and growling, if she wants to play and nobody will attend to her she has a half shrill, half howling bark she turns on to make her wishes known.

Then there is Puffit. (Nicknames: Puff, Roo, Rooski, Piffit. Poof) Registered Name Lil Mystical Puffit, instead of Lil Miss Muffit. I did not name her with a part of each parent's name cause I just couldn't make anything from them. The Sire was Ka Ce's Leonardo, and the Dam was Moshannon Shelly Fan Jo Pep. Puffit is a 10 pound buff Pomeranian that is 4 years old. She has a genetic problem with loose back knees (Lax Patella) which causes her knees to bend either way sometimes and she limps a lot. It is not evident whether she has any pain from her ailment. She runs and beats on LaMia when she can. She is our house thief, if you don't watch her she will steal bones from the big dogs and even Triskit. She is a closet eater, she waits until we go to sleep to eat. She is definitely over weight.. or big boned as the kids like to say. Her tongue is bigger then her mouth and if you don't watch it she will lick you to death. One of her favorite tricks is trying to stick her tongue up your nose. I groom her many ways, she gets such a long coat she seems more comfortable when she is shaved. She often has a mohawk, or a heart shaved into her coat somewhere... or something fun to let her express herself. Whatever it is she struts around like she owns this town. Occasionally she will forget Triskit is the matriarch and she will try to step in, she is always put in her place.

Marty. She likes to call herself "Good Girl or Marty Girl, pretty girl". Not sure her exact age... Guessing she is 8 or so. She is our Blue and Gold Macaw. She has a limited vocabulary. She says "Hi", and "good girl", and "hahaha". When she thinks she is in trouble she yells "stop". She has said "sonofabitch"<~~ came with that one, don't really say that. She will chant " here kittykittykitty, here kittykitty, Where's that cat?" A dog is called Boomer in her mind because the previous owners had a dog named Boomer. So when she wants a dog to come to her she will say "come here Boomer". She dances and sings and licks the dogs when they lick her. She does not like blondes and she has bitten people with blonde hair. She will get on the floor and waddle around behind me and follow me around along with Bonsai. She will sit at the table and eat with us when she can. When I get junk mail I hold it out to her and say it's a bill and she shreds it for me. She will let me cradle her in my arm sometimes. If she gets startled she'll say "What up" or "what that?" She sits on the back of the seat in the car and laughs at people going by. Sometimes she yells hi or what up at them. She fits right in with the zoo.

Buddy and Duke I will do together because they are two peas in a pod. They are Boxers. Both fawn and white. Buddy has a white box on his nose and a crooked white bow tie mark on his scruff. Duke has a black face. Buddy is 3 1/2 Duke is 4. They look a lot like a double mint commercial most of the time. They will simultaneously shake their bodies or run side by side. They are incredibly nosey and have to see everything. They and Puff and sometimes LaMia have a really bad habit of barking profusely when anyone arrives here. They tiptoe around Triskit, they shower Marty with licks all over. They roll over and let Puff and Mia beat on them and they love it. They play tug of war with the little dogs and let them win. Buddy watches the only other animals we have in the house, fish, for hours. You can tell him to go fish and he will sit there and watch the tank for quite a while. Duke will stand at the edge of the bed and whine to get up there. When they need to be kenneled, I just say "Kennel" and they go right in and lay down. They both think they are human to the extent they have their own love seat. They love camping and disk golf and anything that has to do with running and playing. Unfortunately Buddy has something wrong with his knee. The Vet is still trying to figure out, as you can imagine it is difficult to try to get him on bed rest to allow it to heal. When the Vet did the x-rays he didn't have to tranquilize him though, which is generally standard procedure. He laid still and let the Vet do what was necessary. Great dog!
This is my zoo!
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